Friday, April 14, 2017

The Manhattan Project at Los Alamos - 4/13

This was a bit out-of-the-way, but well done and worth it.

The National Park Service visitor center is teeny tiny.
But the 20 minute movie is an excellent introduction to what happened here.
And the Ranger who works here is super knowledgeable and added much to the experience. Fun facts from the ranger: Los Alamos is still home to national laboratory and as such, the city is one of the smartest (more PhDs per capita) and richest (more millionaires per capita) than anywhere else. Yet everyone is pretty down to earth and normal - says the ranger. And that's what we experienced during our time in this fairly isolated and pleasant place. (Does it sound like I liked it?)
Our experience was definitely enhanced by our visit to the Bradbury Science Museum down the street.
It was not a huge space, but packed with information that was very easy to follow.
I would imagine since most of the people who live here are brainiacs on the subject, they would expect no less of the museum representing their town. 
The timeline of political events and scientific discoveries was amazing. I was familiar with most parts, but seeing the political and scientific side by side really grows my understanding. 

The older boys enjoyed the elements and radiation display that built on what they've learned about the periodic table and chemistry in ChB. 
The hands-on brain teasers. 

And what kid (or mom) doesn't want to learn about explosives?

These tangible brain parts really enhanced my Understanding of the anatomy I started learning about in ChA. 
This was such a fun place to learn, I could easily spend a few days here! But back to our camper in Santa Fe we went.
I would really enjoy coming back here to spend more time. Probably unusual, but I think it would make a great vacation spot. 

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