we set out in the car for a new mountain to climb. we are always going somewhere new to hike - as if the first time we went to a huge mountain or forest area, we saw it all and have to find a new location the next time. in any case, we're having fun doing it.

so on the 2nd we hiked in the angeles national forest.
as it goes with our family, these trips are spur of the moment and i don't always ask my husband where we're going. so we got in the car with the kids and a diaper, wipes, a pack of graham crackers and 6 apples. we took off up the freeway about 10am and arrived in the forest about 2 hours later. we realized half way up that we needed a pass to park in said national forest so we stopped to purchase one at the ranger station. i was shocked that they did not have a credit card machine in their little hut! it was less shocking that we had no cash. i asked if we could park on private property without the pass and the ranger said yes, but indicated we may be shot by an unhappy propertyowner. sounded like an adventure to me! (but really i was thinking that i knew of a camp where we could probably park).
both scott & i have been to angeles crest christian camp many times, but neither of us in the last 10 years. it would be an adventure just finding it, but when we did we parked, took our graham crackers and hiked for a couple hours.

we showed the kids the facilities, climbed out into the wilderness a ways, identified animal droppings, all the fun stuff.
we returned to the car, had the apples for "snack" and played in the tree house. a quick drive down the mountain, a stop at subway (where they accept plastic) for lunch/dinner (at 4pm) and we were on our way home! the kids were amazingly well behaved for being starved! we all enjoyed our time together being in the less-touched parts of God's creation.