the shores are missionaries in thailand and are currently home on furlough. we are so glad that our trip coincided with their furlough so that we could spend time together.
last night i told the kids that their friends wanted to show us "their" science center. kik said, "let's go tomorrow then." and that was already the plan. so today, we headed out into below freezing, windy weather with 8 kids, in search of some indoor fun at the local science spot.

everyone had a blast. again - new exhibits, fun for all!
we had lunch afterward at ruby tequila's - yummy mexican. 
we had a short rest then headed over to another families' home for new year's eve celebrating. (they have 6 kids, making it okay for us to hang out with them as well - and also making for extreme fun/chaos for all - actually, the chaos factor was much lower as their kids were 5-17 yrs old and very helpful!) this family served as missionaries in thailand as well up until a couple years ago. they were really fun to hang out with and even let me do a load of laundry. :) ("hi. i'm tara. really nice to meet you all. thanks for having us over for new year's eve. can i do a load of laundry?")
they were very gracious and fun to hang out with. :) after hanging out for a while, we had a "talent show", a concert, a conga line, a time of worship, prayer,
and a cinnamon roll hug. a truly fabulous time!
when we got back to the hotel, it was 10.45 so we watched the ball drop in new york and went to sleep. (normally we do this at 9pm at home, but we were in the central time zone and this worked out perfectly.)

today's mileage: 0 miles (toward home)