after this there was a lunch hosted by aunt marlene's church. it was a wonderful time of catching up with family we don't see often. some of them had made a photo collage board of grandpa's life which was interesting to look at and see grandpa's younger years (long before i was a grubb).

following lunch, was the memorial service. it was a blessing to see so many lives that our quiet grandpa had touched, to hear memories that explained some of my husband's quirky behaviors, and to celebrate a heritage in Christ that grandpa has left behind.

shortly after we were sad to have to make our way home. it would have been enjoyable to spend more time with family, but everyone seemed to be in town only a short bit (as it was a last minute trip for everyone).
we chose to drive straight home so the kids would not have to endure being put in the car yet another morning with a full day drive ahead. we left eugene about 530pm and arrived home about 730am. we stopped to pick up food twice and to sleep for an hour (from 430-530am at the top of the grapevine). we made good time and praise the Lord for our safe and fun adventure up to oregon and back. we feel so privileged to have been able to make fun plans out of this last minute trip.