this week the cousins (al & em) are on spring break. they dropped by on their way to AZ to spend a couple days with us. the 2 eldest went to the la brea tar pits (the the tar tar pits???) with grandma on saturday. then on sunday we attended our "regular" church service (as regular as it can be when my husband plays drums at several churches :). in any case, we'd packed a lunch and were prepared to go to adventure city right after the service. cousin al had requested this "adventure" and wanted grandma to take all 6 grandkids (and she said i could come along to "help out" if grandma needed me:)
during the service greeting time, a man came up and asked us if we'd like tickets to adventure city. al was so cute with her mouth hanging open in shock! she just looked at him in amazement. he gave us 9 tickets. when he walked away i asked her if God just gave us tickets to adventure city and she gave me an emphatic/amazed "ya!" (what a blessing to see God provide for her own idea and plan!)
so we went to adventure city and here are some fun photos.

precious :)