the building is really great. they have a brochure telling all the fun details. like that the bricks were hand-made (just like the original building) and you can see fingerprints on the bricks. the dimensions of the clock and weather vane at the top are much larger than you'd guess because you're looking at them so high up. in the first room there is a button on the handrail at the base of the staircase - it's called the "honesty button" and our forefathers would rub it on their way in to remind them to be honest while going about the business of establishing our country. (as i'm writing this i'm realizing that although i was annoyed with some of the little details, an honesty button might do our country some good these days!)

in any case, with all the minute details we were given, there was nothing at all about this huge dedication on the wall. who is the supreme architect? it's only important because he was the guy whose plan they used to establish this nation. (or so says the dedication).
words meant so much back then. like the words they were using to write the declaration of independence and our constitution in this very building that was dedicated to God and equipped with an honesty button to remind them that they were accountable to Him!

hahahaha u r funny!