Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving at the Macy's Parade - 11/24

So thankful!
EARLY morning subway rides.
Got off with a bajillion other people to find there was only one exit open because of the parade.
Originally, we knew the parade started along Central Park and we're hoping to watch from Central Park because that was our chance to go to Central Park. But, as we exited the subway, the officers working crowd control said it would be very difficult to get to Central Park because we couldn't cross the street. At at each street the officer would say, "Just go up one more street." We went away from central park one block and made our way from 59th where we exit at the Subway on the way to 68th.
Along the way we found the ABC News room where they were filming the morning news.
At 67th we said let's go up one more. And it 68th we found these two ladies. We were just going to check out and see if we could get close to the parade. But they asked us for tickets. We said we didn't have any intern to move onto 69th. But then they offered us tickets!
and that is how we ended up watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from Central Park comfortably seated in bleachers.
Paddington was a favorite.
It was a comfortable 45°.
It was fun to see the Ocean Spray cranberry guys.

And all the Christmas-y-ness marching by.
After the parade, we took a little stroll in Central Park "on the way" to the subway station.
Back at our camper, we packed up and headed out. We had already left New York by subway. Now, we left New Jersey, drove through Pennsylvania and Delaware and into Maryland.
Some fun photo ops.
We had our official Thanksgiving dinner at Cracker Barrel just outside Baltimore. This is the first time in my kids lives that I have not cooked a traditional Thanksgiving meal. It was a little challenging to settle for eating out. But the cleanup was way easier. (:

So thankful for so many things!

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