Sunday, September 28, 2008


soccer season is well underway now. both boys have had fun. jojo plays defense & kiki plays forward. i think my husband is trying to engineer a team, but we're missing 7 players! if i wanted more kids, i should have mentioned the futbol team idea sooner! ha ha. anyhow, here are some photos to enjoy!
kiki with his best soccer pal (on the end) - they are like peas in a pod - and they have a TON of fun together. we're so blessed.

she calls him "coach" when we're on the field.

this is sy's "uniform" - wears it to every game where he kicks any unused ball all over the place for the 3 or so hours we're there.

Friday, September 5, 2008

90 minutes & a shopping cart

we normally go to the park on mondays & fridays. the kids watch daddy play soccer & play on the playgrounds (when they're not chasing down the balls that the men shoot past the goal!) but on this particular day, the park was busy with a baseball tournament so we headed to the high school soccer field across the street. there was no play equipment for the kids, but they did find a shopping cart... it was used in a variety of ways: pushing each other along the narrow path of concrete nearby, flipping it over to play with its wheels, and finally as a "beast catcher" (as seen in the photos). they took turns being a beast & climbing inside. then took turns riding in the proper seat, but with the shopping cart tipped and a sibling carefully balancing on the opposite end so the one in the seat would not be crushed by the shopping cart! they had a blast! who needs a playground when you can have 90 imaginative minutes with a shopping cart???

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

our first lost tooth!

this evening - jojo finally lost his first tooth. it's been coming for weeks now. we were playing a jump rope game in the backyard when he suddenly thought he had a rock in his mouth. he spit it out on the ground and was surprised to see that it was his tooth!
right now it's under his pillow and he's heard from friends that it may turn into something! :)