Friday, September 9, 2016

Abraham Lincoln Adventures

Lincoln's Springfield Home
The room where kids could be. Imagine having a parlor (or any room) where kids were not allowed. Maybe the small space of the RV is getting to me. (:
Lincoln's bedroom. And through the doorway, his wife's room. Ranger quote: "Don't read too much into that. At the time, if people could afford the space, it was generally done that way."
Notice the bathroom in the corner of his son's room: basin with water pitcher for washing & chamber pot 
A really spendy stove. Prior to its purchase, cooking was done over an open fire in a fireplace just behind this stove. 

Then, we visited the train depot where Lincoln left for the White House and made his famous farewell speech. 

Practicing morse code
On to the Old State Capitol. This was the 5th one and the one Lincoln served in. 
This Capitol was used from 1840-1876. Then, they moved into the current Capitol (next post). 

Finally, Lincoln's tomb. 
So many attempts were made to steal his body it is now buried underground under concrete and rebar - instead of in the sarcophagus that used to be in this room. 

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