Thursday, December 29, 2016

Praising God: the lost is found!

Our bestest family friends are the Schultzes.
We think of them as family. We lived with them for a week in July and again in September between travels.
So to hear that their son was missing was craziness. It didn't happen on our trip, but it affected us. Since we are in Eastern time, it was late when we found out and kids were in bed. I spent all night praying. I would get in bed only to lay awake praying. Then go ahead and roll out onto my knees again. The next day we canceled our planned outings because I couldn't go have fun while Zeke was missing. I remember feeling his way on 9/11: thinking I shouldn't do anything because I wanted to do something to help, but I was too far away to help. Helpless, but not hopeless. 
In the morning, Kik, too, was distraught. He chose to spend most of the morning in prayer as well.
The elation we felt when we got a text, "They found him. He's ok" was incredible. It was 10:30am here, though only 7:30 there.

This blessed boy! After 17 hours missing and temperatures that dipped to 30°, I imagine he is more thankful than I - but not by much!
I have had many moving thoughts since, many lessons I feel I learned reflecting on that time on my knees.
But mostly, we thank and praise our Father in Heaven for His mercy. 

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