Monday, December 5, 2016

McDill Family Fun!

We spent four fun-filled days with this amazing family! You can't imagine how many games of chess were played!
Matthew and Scott were friends in junior high. The families were both skeptical. We're going to have dinner with who? You haven't seen him since when?
But everyone became fast friends!
Love my sweet sister. I was so encouraged by her patient way of life-ing with 9 kids.
They made room in their home and hearts for our family. What started as dinner turned into four fabulous days.
Friday night was the Christmas Ball, one of 2 annual homeschool dances. So our extended stay started with just staying for the dance.
Everyone had so much fun!
Even the mamas got out on the dance floor.

The next day we got to celebrate a birthday!
And more friends came over to take family photos.
Our stay was extended again with an invite to experience their church. They have a unique meeting with teaching then  open mic, then potluck - every week! During open mic (that's not what they called it), anyone can share what they're learning; ask questions about the sermon, theology, whatever; etc. It was encouraging to see the body at work  growing and learning together. Matthew taught from Luke 2 beginning the Christmas season. Afterwards, the men went to play basketball while the ladies took the youngers home for a cozy afternoon.
We stopped by the local dairy to gather the family's weekly supply of fresh milk. Country life had lots of fun differences. I was amazed at Dana's preparation to keep her household running now smoothly while 40 minutes from a Walmart (a place we've grown to depend on almost daily!)
By the time we left in Monday, there was sadness at parting from what had become dear friends. Thankfully, there  was also an exchange of email addresses so everyone can stay in touch and a hope of seeing each other again soon. 
Thank you McDill family!

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