Saturday, May 28, 2016

Leaving California

We left the Grieco's and Bigbear at about 10 AM. Thank you Grieco family! We were headed for Hoover dam. Our first stop was in Barstow to refuel the excursion and find a park to eat lunch since a couple of the kids were carsick after the drive down the hill. 

In Barstow, we found a little park and while I was making sandwiches the kids were running around on the large skate park. Silas tripped and hit his two front teeth on the spine of a ramp. He had already chipped one Front tooth. Now, the other was chipped in a mirrored match. ): Poor Sy was crying, asking, "do we have to go back home?" After consoling him and making sure that it didn't seem like the nerve was exposed, we moved on. 
Across the street, it was the Mojave River Valley Museum. It was a small building with lots of stuff that looked like it had been collected out in the desert representing many years of travelers. 


  1. Oh poor guy!!!

  2. He's been quite a trooper. Broken tooth, sickness, more sickness, etc
