Monday, January 9, 2012

family fun night

on saturday (after the garage sale when i was super tired) the kids planned a family fun night! and tonight, it was almost fully executed .
here was the plan they presented:
* go to disneyland (translation: downtown disney)

* eat at rainforest cafe (free kids meal coupons were paperclipped to the plan!)

* go on "all the rides" (me:what rides?, them: ummm... i guess there's just the monorail, me: you have to pay to get into disneyland for that, them: oh yea. $600 for our family. nevermind.)
* legoland (translation: the lego store), where we can each spend the $10 we "earned" from the garage sale (they did give up quite a few of their possessions - so basically i'm trading a toybox worth of junk per kid for a tiny box of legos per kids - works for me!) back to the fun night...
* ride the tram (we usually watch the fireworks from the parking garage)
* donuts from Compass Cafe for dessert (we bought krispy kremes there one time) i convinced the kids they would have more to spend on legos if we drove by a regular donut shop on the way home.
execution: rainforest cafe, lego store, 8pm:realize that tomorrow is our first day "back to school" - aka: wake up early!, tram, donut shop (it was part of the plan), home (with sugared kids who need to get to bed ASAP and will probably be grumpy in the morning - sorry mrs. winn & mrs. clark & my whole class! Thankfully, i'd finished most of my prep work ahead of time!)
Super fun for everyone! Great planning grubb kids!

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