Saturday, August 16, 2008

soccer has begun!

jojo had his first soccer game today! he's moved on to the next age group where they use full size goals, have keepers, and use a more complete set of rules. but this division still doesn't keep score. it's just playing for fun and learning new skills!

here he is playing keeper.
the boys are on separate teams this year. daddy will still coach both boys though. it makes for a busy fall season. we have practices back to back on mondays & wednesdays. we actually have 3 sets of siblings each with one brother on each of the teams, so us moms are supporting each other. we are sharing dinner making responsibilities which lightens the load and creates community that we love - food just does that! kiki will have his first game in a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. no score? that's way crazy... they kept score when my lil sis was that age... but they had coed teams for 5 and 6... and then 7 and 8 u play on ur own :0
    i wanna come to a game!!! :)
