Tuesday, August 12, 2008

arizona in august

we've just returned from arizona. it was a nice 100° or so and the pool was a wonderful 85°. we experienced some thunderstorms on our way over and while we were there, the boys were watching the clouds (and apparently taking photos too)...
we went to celebrate grandpa's birthday (but my camera died before the party) and had a really fun time. - mom could i get a few?

the kids were always in the water unless they were eating or sleeping! they got quite a bit of sun.

they did take a break from swimming to go to the science center, which they really enjoyed too. here is kiki typing "mommy" in binary code on a computer there.


  1. man i can't believe u let your camera die!!!!
    hahahaha :)
    love u!!!

  2. Wow they are getting so big. I love reading the updates about your life. I miss you and wish our lives would cross some day soon. I am actually at my parents until December if you ever want to visit or call.
