Tuesday, September 18, 2007

caterpillars and butterflies

the kids have been studying caterpillars and butterflies. they've caught 3 butterflies with their butterfly nets! they've also caught 2 caterpillars, a worm, a grasshopper (with which they scared our neighbor) and 2 snails... yuck! we've been reading through the creation story and singing the creation song from miss pattycake which all goes along with what they're learning at CBS. at our art class we made a collage of a caterpillar stamped from cucumber slices, a painted symmetrical butterfly, and a print of a "cocoon" (really a chrysalis). it's been a fun week of bugs!

1 comment:

  1. Tara,
    You are such a awesome Mom!! I love you and we have to come over and see the cool caterpillar stuff your doing! Wow you have four kids and you still have time for crafts?? How do you manage that? love you :)
