Friday, September 15, 2023

Update Friday 9/15

 Wow! We saw the surgeons for follow up today and everyone is very pleased.

Kaden’s right hand is casted and under the cast there are metal pins sticking out of his hand. (We had no idea!) So there will be follow up surgery eventually to get those removed. His cast offers less finger movement than the temporary wraps he had before, but is otherwise shorter than the last and he was told he can bear weight on his elbows now. 

They removed stitches from his left wrist and put it in a removable brace (which is can be taken off to shower or if sitting for extended periods - like watching TV, etc). He is allowed to move it to try to regain some range of motion, but not use it for regular tasks. Right now it’s almost completely frozen still. Like the other arm, he can bear weight on the elbow but not on the hand. So both hands are still pretty unusable. Hopefully, with some physical therapy, he can rebuild grip. The doctor wants to see him touch his palm with his finger tips (make a fist). Right now that seems far off, but we’ve already seen such amazing progress, we’re excited to see how the Lord continues to heal him. 

Kaden’s left leg is no longer completely immobilized but in a brace allowing him to regain range of motion. The doctor really wants to push him to start bending the knee. With much pain, he was able to get to 30° today, so the goal is 60° in the next 2 weeks and 90° 2 weeks after that. We see the doctor again in 4weeks and he expects to allow full range of motion after that. There is one piece of the patella they are watching that could possibly cause trouble and need to be removed if it starts rubbing against the fibula, but we are hopeful and time will tell.

Kaden has appointments with both doctors 4 weeks from today on Friday the 13th. (: He is definitely in a wheelchair 100% of the time til then as he cannot bear weight on 3 of his 4 limbs. (No crutches without hands.) 

Please pray for continued healing and progress (with tolerable pain) during physical therapy. Praise the Lord for the amazing progress Kaden has made so far. We’re still so thankful he is alive, but the Lord has seen fit to give us more. Praise him for real showers! Praise Him also for providing a new primary doctor effective Monday. THANK YOU for praying with us!

(We visited the tow yard to release the motorcycle to insurance today and seeing the bike was pretty crazy. This was a super bummer for Kaden, so the good news at the doctor made for a nice emotional recovery.)

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