Monday, October 11, 2010


we are still reading through the Bible - we started a couple years ago and took breaks both summers as we concentrated on the Bible bee studies. Right now we are about to finish the old testament! only a few chapters left then we will enter matthew and the excitement of Jesus' life on earth. i am still amazed each day at how the Bible speaks to us and is applicable to our daily lives. we read things and that same day have the opportunity to put our new knowledge to use!

we are also going through Leading Little Ones to God. we do those lessons on mondays and thursdays. i really wanted to go through this book before but never made time for it. this year we are not participating in our local CBS (community Bible study) group (due to our schedule and me directing CC), so we are supplementing with LLOTG. it coincides so well with our "First Catechism" too. so the catechism that the kids have already memorized is being explained to them in language they can understand. incredible!

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