Friday, May 29, 2009

vacation - day 6

when we woke the seims treated us to a delicious french toast breakfast with homemade jam! it was so good. they were so fun to have an activity planned for the kids, so we went out back and jojo, kik, & ky learned archery! jojo was an instant success. kik had to work at it, but in the end was able to hit the hay bales with the target. ky tried a couple times, but was more interested in their dog, kady. while they were shooting the arrows, mr seim noticed we were shooting toward the sheep beyond the fence in their yard, so he went to move the sheep and the kids all followed. they tried to pet the sheep, but the ewes weren't interested in being touched. sy didn't understand. but they did get some food and there was one sheep that was willing to come over and eat from their hands! we had such fun, but too quickly had to leave...
next stop - avery park (corvallis) where daddy played when he was little on a huge real train! superfun for all. then off to...
discovery village, salem, or - another science center we were able to enjoy for free with our science center passes mom got us this spring. (she did not realize the use these passes would get.) this place was really fun and well done. the kids enjoyed the bubble room, the grocery store, china, a huge outdoor space, a train room, and a dinosaur room. we spent a couple hours then were off to...
downtown portland for a wedding rehersal and dinner with family. the wedding is in a beautiful church with much stained glass. ky did amazing at the practice and i think she'll do well for the real thing. it is so fun to see this couple get married and honoring God with their lives! i can't wait to see how the Lord will use them in the future.
we headed to the old spaghetti factory for the dinner! i was so excited. i still call it my favorite restaurant even though i've not been in a few YEARS. so it was so enjoyable - yummy food, far-away family together, a great celebration, kids being good listeners. it all made for a fun night.
scott & mom had dropped ky & me at the church and left the motorhome at the hotel. we easily found rides to the dinner & back to the hotel. the couple who drove jojo & i back has a little 5mo boy and are thinking of homeschooling. i enjoyed sharing my passion with them - and hopefully not overwhelming them, but encouraging them!
when we got to the hotel, i found a "fitness center" so i spent some time on the elliptical reading my book "Revolution in World Missions" (odd that i was in a plush gym on an elliptical...)
now i must sleep!

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