Thursday, February 21, 2008

the dentist

we love the dentist! we had an appointment for 5! it would be ky's first time, but she "was shy". (this sounds better than "she chickened out" - but she is 2 after all) she did ride up in the chair with mommy, but then freaked out and jumped off the chair (while it was up) to a complete stranger just to get away from that scary chair! :) she would not come back to me as long as i was in the chair! (hmmm... new place for a mommy time out???)
and the score...
s - 0
t - 0
j - 0
k - 1
kiki wins! congratulations! you get 1 filling! yeah!
all the kids had a great time putting chairs up and down, rinsing out the sink, filling the water cup, etc. we love drs. alley!

mommy got to have molds of her teeth made. the boys watched them make the "goo" to put in my mouth but we all know they thought they could do a better job -they are, after all, really good mud and goo mixers! they practice in the backyard daily - who knew this would be a useful skill?


  1. man a filling already?!!!
    why do u need molds??!!!
    u should brush their teeth more ;)
